Application Form

TYPES of Services Under The Mayor's Office:

Debris Removal

Specify on the customer request from what kind of debris needs to be disposed. Please separate the debris if it’s mixed and pile them in front of the property and not on the roadside. 

Things we can pick up: lumber, metals, white goods, green wastes, electronics

Things we do not pick up: household trash/garbage, cement, mixed debris. We do not pick up debris on business establishments. 


Clearing, brush-cutting, trash trailer, etc


Clearing, brush-cutting, trash trailer, etc.

Junk Car Removal

Copy of the car registration must be provided. If the car does not belong to the requester, it needs to be tagged by the Zoning Office. 

Secondary Road Repair

Maintenance, repair, pave of secondary roads

Trash Trailer

Trailer for hauling trash

Tree Pruning/ Cutting

Please contact Commonwealth Utilities Corp. (CUC), if the trees or vegetation is touching its power line.

For any earth moving, please provide copy of land clearing permit from BECQ.

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